Thursday, January 13, 2011

just because

Just because i'm weak does not mean i'm a geek. Just because i'm small does not mean you have it all. Just because i'm smart does not mean i don't have a heart. Just because i study does not mean i cant be your buddy. Just because i have faith does not mean i'm a waist.


yesterday my dad left for his camping trip with his buddies and my mom is missing him now i'm starting to miss him because idk but ya so i had a crush on somebody and i got denied but i was sad for a little bit but. i got over it because hes not worth it but sometimes i wish i could just float and just watch everybody!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

heres what i think

i dont care what people say unless its about my family the theyll pay because if the hurt someone in my family then you hurt me and i dont think anybody would want to mess with me because i stand up for my self and the people i love. Im not one of those people that have nothing to do besides pick on people younger and smaller y dont you not pick on any body thats what i feel i love evyery body even people that hate me because we r all family thats what i believe in so dont say anything bad promise me dont tell me im a snob dont call me a bad word because all that leades to is bad things in your future and i dont want any trobly for anybody here because on the inside we r all the same so plz dont bully and dont abuse! :(